
Corporate  Profile


We are a Private Limited Liability Company :  NEXT LEVEL

BUSINESS BROKERS (PTY) LTD ( NLBB ), an  Independent Trading

Division of the  NEXT LEVEL GROUP (PTY) LTD.


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We will at all times provide a  Professional  Business  Service, assisting, guiding and ensuring that all our Valued Clients : BUYERS - acquire and are placed in exciting, profitable and sustainable Businesses and that : SELLERS - will always achieve an Exceptional Return on their Business Investments.

In the process we will continuously Partner with and Empower large numbers of like-minded  Smart and  Industrious  Entrepreneurs  who will be comprehensively trained, fully equipped, mentored and highly motivated to start countless further sustainable  Business and  Employment  Opportunities  for even more willing and able South Africans - who are serious about Business and their Future with the UNIQUE APPLICATION of our Industry First : JOINT MENTORSHIP AND ACCELERATION PROGRAM, thereby directly contributing in an exceptional and unmatched way, towards the  Accelerated  Economic  Prosperity  and  Financial  Freedom  of  all  our Business  Partners.
  " On  our  Own,  we  are  but  a  DROP,  Together  we  are  a  mighty  OCEAN  ! "

We are Passionate, Game Changing Entrepreneurs - fuelled and motivated by confidence and optimism to constantly improve and produce our targeted Results. Inspired and driven by our  Industry  First :  UNIQUE  and  POWERFUL  BUSINESS  MODEL, it  is  our  objective  to  be  the Fastest  Growing  and  the Leading  Firm  of  BUSINESS BROKERS  in  South  Africa    > > >   BEFORE THE  END  OF  2017  !


" GIVE  a  man  a  fish  and  he  will  eat  for  a  DAY ;
TEACH  a  man  to  fish  and  he  will  eat  for  a  LIFETIME ." 
( The  Buying  and  Selling  of  Businesses  are  much  like  Fishing  !  )
  • We Deal with all Types of Valuable Investment Businesses.
  • We Only use Tried and Tested Sales and marketing Methods.
  • We Work Together as Highly Qualified Professional Sales Teams.
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